Saturday, 30 April 2016

Week 7 - Wednesday 27th April

In this week rehearsals we got the opportunity to work see our set in the new theatre and to do a run through of the show. Overall,  from what I have seen of the set I think it looks great and TTA are doing a really good job. The only small thing I would is the cauldron needs a bit evil. However having said this, the cauldron isn't yet complete so I cant say I don't like it yet. From looking at the space it is a lot bigger than our rehearsal space, which is good thing however it just means that we have to work a lot harder. Another thing I noticed was we need to vocally work harder as everything in the theatre absorbs sound.

Before we begun the run through TTA had to take us round all of the entrances and exits which is really important as now to need to start picturing us exiting though the doors and knowing where to enter next. We should of all ready known what doors we enter and exit but now we need to work how long we have to get to next queue. After we did this we started the run the show.

The Haka is the introduction to the show which did go well however there just wasn't enough room. We are all starting to make are own characters in this section which I think is really good as it means we are becoming more confident. The only thing we would need to do is rearrange the formation in order for everyone to fit. When we got to the first scene the blocking seemed to corresponded nicely and everyone knew what they were doing. The only thing that went funny was when  Katie takes Olivia into the corner of the stage  but Olivia has to walk backwards and over the muddle thing that surrounds the stage. I think small actions liked this happened a lot through out of the run as we have never worked in the space before. Things like this made the run stop and start due however this needs to happen so we can work out what to do. An important change to the opening scene is I exit after the Haka and come on when I first say my line 'Long Live Lord Titus....' . I spoke to Ben and suggested this idea as I felt like I was bit irreverent to the scene and I would get in the way when Samara gets carried off.  Furthermore it gives my character more of an intention to be happy and proud when I see Titus.

The show was stop and start like this however I wouldn't say there is much to change. The part I would slightly change is the love day could expand off the stage maybe and into the entrance A and B so there is more room on stage. Another element is the trees I think the trees just look messy as whole as it is so hard to stay still for 15 minutes in a good strong position. However, on Wednesday afternoon Ben redirected this section with the bamboo and it looks so much better.  From Tuesday rehearsals in the new theatre I was worried about this section due to the trees however now it has been changed I think it looks so much better.

Due to timing we only got up to when Katie and Esther which is shame as I feel confident on the first half of the show but not the second. I think we need to start focusing on the second half more because a lot of people feel the same way and the ending needs to be just as good as the beginning.  Even though I feel this way I think in about a weeks time it will be fine and everyone will be up to performance level.

For personally notes I would say is I was working a lot harder than I had in the theatre rooms. Which isn't bad thing at all I am quite this is something I noticed this because in the theatre is on three sides therefore we need to work three times harder in order for every audience member to see us.  Another element I would is I need to start saying thy like 'th-eye ' not 'they' as I have been pronouncing it wrong. However having said I'm not massively worried and I know I will get it and Shakespeare was something I feared as a theatre student because of the pronouncatnion of  words however rehearsing  Titus Andronicus has made me a lot more confident. 

Finally, I think the run in the theatre went really well and has got me a lot more excited about Titus Andronicus as I know its going to be amazing!


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