Sunday, 17 April 2016

Character Questions

To help me develop my character more I wanted to answer the five w's questions that the practitcor or used Stanislavski. I learnt about Stanislavski methods in year 10 and I have used them every since as I have found them very helpful.

The Five Questions are:

Who I am?
Why am I here?
What do I want ?
Where am I?
What will I do want achieve my want?

I am Marcus Andronicus who is brother of Titus Andronicus. I love my brother and I am proud that he is one of the best soldiers in Rome. I am here because I have just come back from a ten year war and now I want peace.I just want to live my life how I use to live.  However , this isn't the case as so much has happened since I have been back in Rome. Like my niece has been raped , had her arms and tongue cut off. Seeing her like this was awful and bringing her to Titus was painful for me. The people who did where Demetrius and Chiron and I want to see them suffer. Lavinia is such a sweet and precious and I just don't understand how they could rape a small child or even harm her!  When Titus found out he went mad. It kind of scared me how he laughed about it. Not a shed of tears. Just laughter. I hope my brother is okay as he has just killed his daughter because she is no longer a virgin any more.  It was hard for to watch Lavinia get killed but I can understand why Titus would do it. Because she's no longer pure and no man will want to marry a women who cant please him. If I am honest though I am relieved that Titus has revenge and has killed Demetrius and Chiron because they deserve it! I personally don't want war however if somebody kills people that I love I would want the same on them. What I will do to achieve want I want is try and stay calm and look after everyone as much as I can. I don't want to kill anyone. Sometimes it is hard to calm especially when I saw Lavinia in that state however I have too. Because if I'm not then everyone will be killing each other and there will be nobody left!

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