Thursday, 14 April 2016

Love Dance & Trees

I forgot to post my notes from a couple weeks but in week 2 of this term Ben directed the love dance. The whole cast are in the love dance and we start it when Saturninus ( Hannah) says the line 'This day shall be a love-day, Tamora' . We start doing the love dance getting into our pairs. My partner is Katie and the dance starts with a contact jam but we don't touch each other. Then either one of us can run off and the other must follow and do the same thing again. I found this really fun and quite easy to do. I think we don't need to go over this to many times as it is properly going to be one of the simplest dances we have so fare. After this, the drums start to play and we need to move out the centre and do the love dance contact jam in slow movement. While we are doing this is slowly movement we find our way to the floor and lie dead. 

I like the dance as its simple but effective and its really easy. However everyone needs to commit as it will look rubbish if its not dynamic. Another element that is important is the transitions of getting some people out of the middle because it will look messy if 10 people run. In addition to this, we need to balance the space! as this is a improvised section it can be quite risky as it will look bad if the are the majority of the cast in a certain section of the piece. In addition to this, we need to make sure the space is epically when we fall to  the ground because we will be lying there for a long and when we turn into tress the piece it wont look as effective. 

We do lie down for quite a while and we have to stay because if we fidget it will distract the audience from what is happening in the scene.  We start to transition into a tree on the line " The forest walks are wide and spacious " and we slowly start to move our hands like we turning into a tree. This needs to be really neat, clean and clear to the audience what is going so people need again commit and explore different way in how we can form a tree.  

The tree section does look really good and I love it when moved around the character Bassianus and Lavinia in the forest. However, I like the idea but when we were doing it the scene did look quite but I think is because the space wasn't balanced and we didn't   cleanly move around the space. 

Finally, I do really like the transition from going into the love dance and the forest but we need to build our stamina so can fully commit. 

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