Sunday, 22 May 2016

Evulation For Our Brighton Performance

On Friday 20th May  we performed as The Brighton Fringe Festival which is such a great opportunity. Overall, I am really proud of the cast and TTA and its was such a nice.

We did a warm up on the grass which really fun. At first I was quite self conscious about it doing as everyone was watching like we were mad or something however I got more comfortable. I found the voice warm up helpful as I sore throat that day which I think did effect my performance.  Doing the Side Stretch felt really liberating to do it in fresh air and on grass bare foot.  We did are normal warm up which we do before every performance I think the one that makes us ready and energised for the show is when we are all standing in a circle clapping and we say different sounds. I think this makes us work together as an ensemble which is important and we just have lots of fun with it.

We were all quite nervous for the show as we were just throw into a space where we have never performed before. We knew some things would go wrong however we would have to fix them on the spot. From looking back at the performance I think only small things went wrong like at the beginning when we the Andronicus have to run around the set following Lauren and Sybil. This bit went a bit as from where we were standing we had to run behind the set so the audience couldn't see us. I don't think the audience really noticed something going wrong as we just went with it however we should of ran the other so the audience could see most of the chase.  Another thing that slightly went wrong was when we exit after the ensemble parts with Titus cutting off his hand.  We exited when we shouldn't of as next it Gemma and Deliany sword fight where we stand on the sides on a diagonal . However did exited and then entered half way through the sword fight. This didn't look bad but it properly just looked a bit messy. Having said this the show went really well and we expected some things to go wrong.

The moments in the piece that looked really good was  the Haka. I think this really supersized the audience and really got there attention a the beginning.  The Haka was properly as good as the one in the New Theatre because we were giving it everything we could. The Haka really sets the energy of the piece so if we performed it badly I think it would be really hard for us to perform the rest of the show really well. Another other moments that went really well was the tree. From where I was positioned I couldn't see that much however our breath was all in time with one another which effected when we moved our sticks. I think  when the tree is done properly it looks really cool but when done half hearty it looks bad, in case we were fully committed to our role which meant the tree looked really good and it complemented the scene.   In addition to this, I think the ending the deaths worked really well and better than I thought as I thought the strobe lighting made the scene however in this performance we fully committed and it still looked really cool. As well  as the on Delaney line half of the cast breath in die and we fall to the floor and someone catches us. Considering we were on hard concrete I thought everyone would just do it really carefully however everyone in the ensemble just fell to the floor which must of looked so good and made the ending as strong as the Haka.

Overall, I think our voices were stronger and louder to be heard. I was worried that people wouldn't be able to hear us as there were other performance around the park. However, Ben said he could hear everyone and when I was backstage I could hear everyone. We were all really happy with this feedback as we have only performed outside in a rehearsal

On a personal I note I think my performance was ok overall. I don't think I was connected to the given circumstances or my character Marcus. I think this is because I went out the night before which I shouldn't of done and I quite disappointed in myself of doing so. Obliviously I cant d anything about it now but  I have to take it as a lesson leant as I think performed better in rehearsals and in the New Theatre.  My vocal technique wasn't the best as my voice wasn't grounded and I felt my voice cracking in my monologue due to throat killing. Again, this is a lesson learnt to look after voice the night before. Having said this I did really best to perform with energy and life which I think I did quite well. My monologue went okay however I think I could of opened up to the audience a bit more as I felt like I was performing to the myself and Sybil. In addition to this, I think my feet were quite grounded to floor which is something I struggled with in rehearsals so I am quite proud of myself with this. Overall, my performance was okay I now know what to do for Stratford in July , which I am now so excited to perform at the RSC.

I am really thankful that we were able to have all the set in Brighton as I didn't think we would have the platform. I think having all the set did make us more comfortable to perform somewhere where we have never performed before as we were all quite worried about how we would perform. In addition to this, having all of the set made us work the space more as we know own the space as we have performed in it a number of times. Furthermore, I think from performing with the set many times has made us really own it a lot more as it is now our world of the play (if that makes sense) .

Finally, I am really proud of the members of the Titus company as it was such nice day where we all got to hang out in Brighton for the day. In addition to this, we all really wanted the show to be as good as it was in the new theatre and I think it was for different reasons. For example, ours voices were stronger and the Haka was unexpected. I think Stratford will now be amazing as we have performed the show now twice to an audience.

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